Commercial and Municipal Fleets: Take one for a test drive...
Click here to get a free 90-day field trial!
We know what works... Dimensions wants you, our future customer, to have the opportunity to try one of our inverters in your vehicle, under your operating conditions, without cost or obligation. We want to demonstrate that our inverter (and support package, if required), will meet your needs. We want to ensure an easy and successful field trial for you.
Field Trials usually last for 90 days, after which we request return or purchase of the equipment. After consultation, Dimensions will specify the correct model of inverter and support package for your application and will ship a new unit for trial. Dimensions realizes there is a great deal more to a successful field trial than just the right inverter. We will also specify and provide some of the correct “support package” components, if they are required – high output alternator and regulator, auxiliary battery, cables, and fuse with fuseholder. In addition, we will arrange to have your inverter installed at the distributor of your choice or at one of our valued authorized distributors.
What is this Really going to cost me?.. Nothing, unless you wish to purchase the Field Trial (Dimensions will furnish a firm quotation before any product is installed.). Dimensions will also pay return freight.
Please contact Dimensions Customer Service at (855) 633-7257. We will discuss your application in greater detail and have a nearby sales representative call you.