With the Magnum auto generator start module (ME-AGS), you can spend a day away while still keeping your living space cool and your batteries charged. Connected with the ME-ARC, the ME-AGS gives you ultimate control over your generator, whether you own an Onan, Powertech, Generac, Westerbeke, Kohler, EPS, Northern Lights, or another model with an electric start. This episode in the Magnum video series is designed to help guide you through testing your Automatic Generator Start - Network version with the ME-ARC revision 4.0 advanced router from Magnum Energy. Other revisions may show slightly different screens, but this video should get you through the basics. Testing the AGS can help you confirm that the AGS will start your generator automatically when it needs to and will tell you if you’ve wired the AGS correctly into the generator. Please refer to your owner’s manual for more in-depth information.
Under the Control menu of the ME-ARC, the 03 Gen Control option allows you to turn the generator off and on in order to check successful connections among the ME-ARC, ME-AGS, inverter, and generator. When you’ve turned the generator on, you can check the status of the AGS by pressing Meter and then scrolling to 04A AGS Status. Once you’ve successfully tested your AGS, you can immediately enable auto programming by returning to the Control/03 Gen Control option, turning the knob to Auto͟, and pressing Select. The ME-AGS is now ready to control your generator based on the voltage, temperature, or state of charge parameters you’ve set. If the generator doesn’t start, please refer to our AGS Troubleshooting video.