Keep your living space cool and your batteries charged without supervision and without worry. The ME-AGS monitors inside room temperature and low-battery conditions to start or stop your generator at the perfect moment, keeping your living space cool and comfortable even while you are away. Connecting the Magnum ME-ARC advanced remote unlocks even more features, including start and stop parameters based on battery voltage, time of day, AC load amps, exercise time, and state of charge (SOC). This episode in the Magnum Energy video series is designed to help guide you through the screens of the ME-ARC revision 4.0 in order to setup your Magnum ME-AGS Automatic Generator Start module. Other revisions may show slightly different screens, but this video should get you through the basics of programming. Please note that this video is not meant to go over every possible scenario, but rather give you an idea of how to program your system for your particular setup. Please refer to your owner’s manual for more in-depth information.
The 04 AGS Setup menu under the System Setup options allows you to define generator start and stop parameters based on battery voltage (04A Gen Run VDC), specific time of day (04B Gen Run Time), unexpected load demand (04C Gen Run AC Amps), and battery state of charge (04D Gen Run SOC). Keep in mind, the AC load demand feature will only work if you are using an MS-PAE, MS-PE, or MSH series inverter, and the SOC feature requires a Magnum battery monitoring kit (BMK) installed in your system.